New Executive Information Service by IENE and SeeNews

New Executive Information Service by IENE and SeeNewsThe Institute of Energy of South East Europe (ΙΕΝΕ) is launching today an exclusive information service for its members and associates. The Energy Newsletter is part of a cooperation agreement with SeeNews, a worldwide provider of business news and market intelligence.

The Energy Newsletter will be delivered daily by SeeNews and will contain 3-5 regional news to provide all IENE members with important updates on the latest developments in the energy markets in Southeast Europe and Eurasia

The Institute of Energy of South East Europe (ΙΕΝΕ) is launching today an exclusive information service for its members and associates. The Energy Newsletter is part of a cooperation agreement with SeeNews, a worldwide provider of business news and market intelligence.


The Energy Newsletter will be delivered daily by SeeNews and will contain 3-5 regional news to provide all IENE members with important updates on the latest developments in the energy markets in Southeast Europe and Eurasia. Topics that will be featured include crude oil and natural gas, electricity generation, transmission and trading, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, national and EU energy policy and regulations, investments and bilateral cooperation.


IENE’s management believes that the Energy Newsletter will help IENE members spot new opportunities in emerging markets and stay abreast of the competition with news covering capacity, deals, tenders and more.


IENE is an independent and nonprofit organization with headquarters in Athens, Greece focusing on energy co-operation and analysis in the wider SE European area. IENE is funded exclusively from member’s subscriptions, sponsorship for studies and events and participation in EU funded programmes.


SeeNews ( is a group of dedicated services carrying timely, accurate, reliable, exclusive and in-depth news and research from more than 80 countries worldwide. SeeNews is a leading source of information for investors, analysts, financial consultants, media, international organisations and all professionals who need high-quality comprehensive coverage of events crucial to their investments and work.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE