Thursday, 30 March, 2017
Opening Session and Dinner
- Chair and Opening Remarks by Mr. John Chadjivassiliadis, Chairman, IENE, Greece
- Welcome Address by Mr. John Aligizakis, Chairman of the Hellenic Petroleum Marketing Companies Association (SEEPE) and CEO of Elinoil SA., Greece
- Opening Remarks by Mr. Avner Maimon, CEO, Bazan Group, Israel
- Opening Address by Mr. Grigoris Stergioulis, CEO, Hellenic Petroleum SA, Greece
Friday, 31 March, 2017
Session I: Overview of Global and European Oil and Refining Markets
Chair: Mr. Costis Stambolis, Executive Director, IENE, Greece
- Dr. Leo Drollas, Energy Consultant, UK
- Mr. John Cooper, Director General, Fuels Europe, Belgium
- Mr. Dimitrios Mezartasoglou, Resident Research Associate, IENE, Greece
Session II: Refining Trends in SE Europe
Chair: Dr. Hans Hutta, General Manager, International Center for Petroleum & Industrial Management (ICM), Vienna, Austria
- Mr. Avner Maimon, CEO, Bazan Group, Israel
- Mr. Vladimir Gagic, Director of Refining Block, NIS jsc, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Mr. Laurentiu Pachiu, Founder Partner and Member of the Board, Energy Policy Group, Romania
- Mr. Diomidis Stamoulis, Senior Director, Strategic Planning of Industrial Activities and Participations, Hellenic Petroleum SA, Greece
- Mr. Alexandru Maximescu, Public and Regulatory Affairs Director Manager, OMV Petrom, Romania
- Mr. Petros Papasotiriou, Managing Director, Asprofos SA, Greece
Session III: Infrastructure Finances and Regulatory Issues
Chair: Mr. Christos Dimas, Chairman, Hellenic-Russian Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Geopolitics Committee & Member of the BoD, IENE, Greece
- Mr. Ilia Gjermani, Head, Regulatory and Management, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Albania
- Mr. Adam Howard, Principal Banker Natural Resources, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, UK
- Mr. Roman Matkiwsky, Director Energy & Infrastructure, Black Sea Trade & Development Bank, Greece
Session IV: Fuels Marketing, Storage and Transportation in SE Europe
Chair: Mr. Nikola Radovanovic, Chief Legal Officer for EU Legislation, EU Liaison Office, CEO Office, NIS jsc, Novi Sad, Serbia
Keynote Speaker:
- Mr. Roberto Karahannas, General Manager, Domestic & International Retail, Hellenic Petroleum SA, Greece
Panel Discussion with the participation of:
- Mr. Dinos Leukaritis, CEO, Petrolina, Cyprus
- Mr. Alexis Athanasopoulos, Chairman of the Oil Refining, Storage and Retail Committee, IENE, Greece and Head of Regulatory Affairs, EKO, Bulgaria
Photo Gallery
Welcome Drinks Reception
Opening Session and Dinner
The Official Conference Dinner
Session I: Overview of Global and European Oil and Refining Markets

Session II: Refining Trends in SE Europe

Session III: Infrastructure Finances and Regulatory Issues

Session IV: Fuels Marketing, Storage and Transportation in SE Europe