Wednesday, June 29th, 2016
Chair and opening remarks by Mr. John Chadjivassiliadis, Chairman, Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE), Greece
Message by H.E. The Minister of Energy and Environment of Hellas, Mr. Panos Skourletis
Short Introduction by Mr. Costis Stambolis, Executive Director, IENE, Greece
Session I - The Quest for a New Energy Balance and Implications for SE Europe
- Ms. Sylvia Beyer, Desk Officer, Office of Global Energy Policy, Country Studies Division, International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Mr. Alejandro Ulzurrun, Head of Unit responsible for Communication & Interinstitutional relations in DG ENER, European Commission, Brussels
- Prof. Tatiana Mitrova, Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia Global Centres, France and Head of Oil and Gas Department, Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
- Dr. Narsi Ghorban, Secretary to the Environment and Energy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce, Tehran, Iran
- Mr. Nikolaos Tsafos, Co-Founder, Enalytica, USA
Session II - SE Europe Energy Outlook
Moderator: Dr. John Desypris, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Mytilineos Holdings S.A., Past Chairman of IENE, Greece
- Presentation of IENE's Study "SE Europe Energy Outlook 2016"
- Mr. Costis Stambolis, Executive Director, IENE, Greece and Mr. Gus Papamichalopoulos, Senior Partner, KG Law Firm/ Secretary General, IENE, Greece
- Panel discussion on the "SE Europe Energy Outlook 2016" with the participation of:
- Mr. Nenad Stefanovic, Senior Expert for Electricity, AERS, Serbia
- Mr. Gokhan Yardim, General Manager, Turkerler Energy Investment Holding, Turkey
- Dr. Christos Papadopoulos, Regional Director Europe, Energy Exemplar, UK
- Mr. Aleskandar Mijuskovic, Executive Director Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe, SEECAO, Montenegro
- Mr. Vladimir Durovic, Manager, Development Division Dpt., Plinacro, Croatia
Session III - Energy Security and Market Integration Priorities in SE Europe
Moderator: Mr. Christos Dimas, Chairman, Hellenic-Russian Chamber of Commerce/Member of the BoD, IENE, Greece
- Prof. Dr. Ionut Purica, Executive Director, Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romanian Academy, Romania
- Mr. Patrick Larkin, Senior Advisor, Energy Charter Secretariat, Belgium
- Mr. Yurdakul Yigitguden Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environment Activities, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Austria
- Mr. Spyros Paleoyannis, Energy Consultant, ex- CEO, Public Gas Corporation, Greece
- Dr. George Paparsenos, Independent Energy Consultant, ex- CEO, DESFA, Greece
Session IV - How Feasible is Decarbonisation in SE Europe?
Moderator: Prof. Dimitrios Mavrakis, Director, Energy Policy and Development Centre of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Prof. Osman Sevaioglu, Electrical Energy Sector Expert-Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- Mr. Savvas Politis, Scientific Project Officer, Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport, The Netherlands
- Prof. Athanasios G. Konstantopoulos, Chairman and Director, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece
- Dr. Spyros Kiartzis, Director Alternative Energy Sources and New Technologies, Hellenic Petroleum SA, Greece
- Mr. Costas Theofylaktos, Chairman, COGEN Greece, Member of the BoD, IENE, Greece
- Mr. Nicholaos Sofianos, Research Projects Co-ordinator, Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE), Greece
Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Session V - Power Generation, Networks and Connectivity
Moderator: Mr. Aleskandar Mijuskovic, Executive Director Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe, SEECAO, Montenegro
- Dr. Vesna Borozan, Professor Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, FYROMacedonia
- Mr. Nikolay Iliev, Deputy Director Finance and Budget, Electricity System Operator (ESO EAD), Bulgaria
- Mr. Ioannis Argyrakis, Director, Hydroelectric Generation Department, Public Power Corporation (PPC), Greece
Session VI - Electricity Market Operation: Lessons & Challenges- Panel Discussion
Moderator: Mr. Nenad Stefanovic, Senior Expert for Electricity, AERS, Serbia
- Mr. Mustafa Karahan, Board Member, Energy Exchange Istanbul (EPIAS), Turkey
- Mr. Milos Mladenovic, Managing Director, SEEPEX, Serbia
- Mr. George Stamtsis, General Director, Hellenic Association of Independent Power Producers (HAIPP), Greece
- Dr. Nikolaos P. Ziogos, Assistant Director Regulatory & European Affairs, Electricity Market Operator SA (LAGIE), Greece
- Dr. Vassilis Nikolopoulos, CEO & Co-Founder, Intelen, Greece
Session VII - Gas Market Developments in SE Europe and Beyond
Moderator: Dr. Narsi Ghorban, Secretary to the Environment and Energy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce, Tehran, Iran
- Dr. Costas Karagiannakos, Division Head, International Projects & Gas Supply/ Executive Director, Public Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA),Greece
- Dr. Azizollah Ramazani, Director of International Affairs, National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC), Iran
- Mr. Gokhan Yardim, General Manager, Turkerler Energy Investment Holding, Turkey
- Mr. Vladimir Durovic, Manager, Development Division Dpt., Plinacro, Croatia
- Mr. Milan Zdravkovic, CEO Assistant for Economy, Srbijagas, Serbia
- Mr. Anastasios Tosios, Technical Director, EPA Attikis, Greece
- Mr. Charles Ellinas, CEO, Cyprus Natural Hydrocarbons Company Ltd., Cyprus
Session VIII (Part I) - Investment and Business Opportunities in the Oil Market in SE Europe - Panel Discussion
Moderator: Dr. Hans Hutta, General Manager, International Center for Petroleum & Industrial Management (ICM), Vienna, Austria
- Mr. Nikola Radovanovic, Chief Legal Officer for EU Legislation, EU Liaison Office, CEO Office, NIS Gazprom Neft, Serbia
- Mr. Daniil K. Antonopoulos, Refinery Operations Manager, Hellenic Petroleum SA, Greece
- Mr. Ilia Gjermani, Head, Regulatory and Management Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Albania
Session VIII (Part II)- Investment and Business Opportunities in the Oil Market in SE Europe
Moderator: Dr. Hans Hutta, General Manager, International Center for Petroleum & Industrial Management (ICM), Vienna, Austria
- Mr. Dimitrios Gontikas, CEO & Vice-President, Kavala Oil, Greece
- Mr. Yannis Grigoriou, General Manager, Exploration & Production of Hydrocarbon Division, Hellenic Petroleum SA, Greece
- Dr. Konstantinos Nikolaou, Petroleum Geologist, Technical Advisor, Energean Oil & Gas, Member of the BoD, Institute of Energy for SE Europe, Greece
- Mr. Charles Ellinas, CEO, Cyprus Natural Hydrocarbons Company Ltd., Cyprus
Session IX - The Evolving Energy Landscape of SEE and the New Challenges - Roundtable Discussion
Moderator: Mr. Yurdakul Yigitguden Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environment Activities, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Austria
- Mr. Savvas Politis, Scientific Project Officer, Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport, The Netherlands
- Mr. Nikolaos Tsafos, Co-Founder, Enalytica, USA
- Dr. Christos Papadopoulos, Regional Director Europe, Energy Exemplar, UK
- Mr. Ghasem Aghaie, Deputy Director, National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC), Iran
- Mr. Milan Zdravkovic, CEO Assistant for Economy, Srbijagas, Serbia
- Prof. Dr. Ionut Purica, Executive Director, Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romanian Academy, Romania
Photo Gallery
Opening of conference
Session I - The Quest for a New Energy Balance and Implications for SE Europe

Session II - SE Europe Energy Outlook

Session III - Energy Security and Market Integration Priorities in SE Europe

Session IV - How Feasible is Decarbonisation in SE Europe?

Session V - Power Generation, Networks and Connectivity

Session VI - Electricity Market Operation: Lessons & Challenges- Panel Discussion

Session VII - Gas Market Developments in SE Europe and Beyond

Session VIII (Part I) - Investment and Business Opportunities in the Oil Market in SE Europe - Panel Discussion

Session VIII (Part II) - Investment and Business Opportunities in the Oil Market in SE Europe

Session IX - The Evolving Energy Landscape of SEE and the New Challenges - Roundtable Discussion