1st Day: Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Opening of Conference
Chair: Mr. Costis Stambolis, Executive Director, IENE, Greece
- Opening Remarks by Mr. John Chadjivassiliadis, Chairman, IENE, Greece
- Opening Speech by Dr. Branko Kovacevic, President of EPS Supervisory Board, Serbia
- Opening Speech by Mr. Manolis Panagiotakis, Chairman and CEO, Public Power Corporation, Greece
Session I: International and Regional Perspectives
Chair: Mr. Nikola Radovanovic, Chief Legal Officer for EU Legislation, EU Liaison Office, CEO Office, NIS Gazprom Neft, Serbia
- Dr. Yurdakul Yigitguden, Independent Energy Consultant and Former Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environment Activities, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Turkey
- Dr. Narsi Ghorban, Secretary to the Environment and Energy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce, Iran
- Prof. Dr. Ionut Purica, Executive Director, Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romanian Academy, Romania
- Ms. Dragana Orlic, Deputy Director, Electricity Coordinating Center (EKC), Serbia
Panel Discussion with the participation of above speakers and the following panelists
- Mr. Milan Zdravkovic, DSO Executive Director, PE SRBIJAGAS, Serbia
- Dr. Miodrag Mesarovic, Secretary General, World Energy Council, Serbia
Session II: The Changing Regional Energy Landscape and Key Policy Issues
Chair: Dr. Hans Hutta, General Manager, International Center for Petroleum & Industrial Management (ICM), Vienna, Austria
- Presentation of SEE Energy Outlook 2016/17 by Costis Stambolis, Executive Director, IENE, Greece
Panel Discussion with the participation of:
- Dr. Dusko Tubic, Director, Security Coordination Centre, Serbia
- Mr. Gus Papamichalopoulos, Secretary General, IENE, Partner, KG Law Firm, Greece
- Prof. Dr. Ionut Purica, Executive Director, Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romanian Academy, Romania
- Mr. Nenad Stefanovic, Senior Expert for Electricity, Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS), Serbia
2nd Day: Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Session III: Electricity Market Priorities and Regional Integration
Electricity Market Operation- CACM Early Implementation- Regulatory and Legal Issues-Cross Border Electricity Trading- Grid Expansion- Power Exchanges
Chair: Mr. Nenad Stefanovic, Senior Expert for Electricity, Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS), Serbia
Part A
- Mr. David Zarkovic, Manager for Electricity Trading, EPS, Serbia
- Mr. Andreas Mitafidis, Director of Energy Trading Department, PPC, Greece
- Mr. Milos Mladenovic, Managing Director, SEEPEX, Serbia
- Dr. Nick Frydas, Senior Energy Specialist, Energy & Resources Efficiency Advisory Services, International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group, Serbia
Part B
- Dr. Vesna Borozan, Professor Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, FYRO of Macedonia
- Mr. Nikolay Iliev, Deputy Director Finance and Budget, Electricity System Operator (ESO EAD), Bulgaria
- Mr. Aleksandar Mijuskovic, Executive Director Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe, SEECAO, Montenegro
- Mr. Dragan Vignjevic, General Manager, Statkraft, Serbia
Session IV: The Critical Issues Facing RES and Energy Efficiency in SE Europe
Energy Efficiency and Innovative Applications in the Building Sector and in Industry- RES Prospects and Energy Storage- New Funding Schemes for RES
Chair: Dr. Vesna Borozan, Professor Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, FYRO of Macedonia
- Mr. Costas Theofylaktos, Chairman, COGEN Greece, Chairman of the Energy Efficiency Committee and Member of the BoD, IENE, Greece
- Dr. Yurdakul Yigitguden, Independent Energy Consultant and Former Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environment Activities, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Turkey
- Mr. Marijan Rancic, Energy Specialist, International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group, Serbia
- Mrs. Antonela Solujic, Head of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Mining and Energy, Serbia
- Mrs. Maja Turkovic, Founder, Association for Sustainable Development, Serbia
- Mr. Aleksandar Macura, Chairman of the Board, RES Foundation, Serbia
- Mr. Nicholaos Sofianos, Head of Research, IENE, Greece
Session V: SE Europe's Expanding Natural Gas Market- Challenges and Opportunities
Major Gas Interregional Projects in SE Europe- The Expanded Southern Corridor and the Role of East Med Gas- Gas Interconnectors and Market Integration- Energy Security Issues- The Role of LNG
Chair: Mr. Petar Maksimovic, Secretary General, Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS), Serbia
- Mr. Aleksandar Kovacevic, Energy Expert, Serbia
- Dr. Nikolaos Farantouris, General Counsel & Head of Legal, DEPA, Greece, Chair of Legal Affairs Committee, EUROGAS, Belgium
- Mr. Vladimir Durovic, Energy Expert, Croatia
- Mr. Jovica Budimir, Investment Executive Director, PE SRBIJAGAS, Serbia
- Mr. Stamatios Koutsoukos, Process Coordinator, Asprofos Engineering, Greece
- Mr. Gligo Vukovic, Project Manager for Energy, Delegation of the European Union, Serbia
Session VI: Energy Investments and Business Opportunities in SE Europe
Major Energy Investment Projects in the Region- Demand Side Management- Investment Opportunities and Environmental Issues
Chair: Mr. Milan Zdravkovic, DSO Executive Director, PE SRBIJAGAS, Serbia
- Mr. Nikola Radovanovic, Chief Legal Officer for EU Legislation, EU Liaison Office, CEO Office, NIS Gazprom Neft, Serbia
- Mr. Pavlos Baxevanis, Director of Business Development Dpt, PPC, Greece
- Mr. Ilia Gjermani, Head, Regulatory and Management Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, Albania
- Dr. Christos Papadopoulos, Regional Director Europe, Energy Exemplar, UK
- Mr. Vuk Radovic, General Manager in EKO SERBIA A.D., Member of the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group, Serbia
- Ms. Milica Pesteric, Senior Associate, BDK, SEE Legal, Serbia
Session VII: Confronting Energy Poverty in SE Europe
Energy Poverty in SE Europe- Energy Efficiency Measures- Financial Support Schemes- Access to Electricity and Heating Fuel
Chair: Prof. Dimitrios Mavrakis, Director, Energy Policy and Development Centre of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Mr. Savvas Politis, Scientific Project Officer, European Commission, DG Joint Research Center, Directorate C: Energy, Transport & Climate, Unit C.7: Knowledge for Energy Union, The Netherlands
- Mr. Mihailo Mihailovic, Energy Expert, Serbia
- Mr. Nikola Tomasovic, Energy Consultant, NIRAS International Consulting, Serbia
- Mr. George Lantzas, PPC Albania Sh.A
- Mr. Costas Theofylaktos, Chairman, COGEN Greece, Chairman of the Energy Efficiency Committee and Member of the BoD, IENE, Greece
Photo Gallery
Opening of Conference
Session I: International and Regional Perspectives

Session II: The Changing Regional Energy Landscape and Key Policy Issues
General Views at 1st day of Conference
Session III: Electricity Market Priorities and Regional Integration - Part A
Session III: Electricity Market Priorities and Regional Integration - Part B

Session IV: The Critical Issues Facing RES and Energy Efficiency in SE Europe
Session V: SE Europe’s Expanding Natural Gas Market- Challenges and Opportunities
Session VI: Energy Investments and Business Opportunities in SE Europe
Session VII- Confronting Energy Poverty in SE Europe