IENE’s Major Study «SE Europe Energy Outlook 2015» Under Preparation

IENE’s Major Study «SE Europe Energy Outlook 2015» Under PreparationIENE is proceeding at full speed with the preparation of the “The SE Europe Energy Outlook 2015”,the new edition of the Institute's major reference study for the energy situation of the region. The publication is expected to be published in December 2015, while, prior to that, it will be reviewed by the International Energy Agency (IEA)

IENE is proceeding at full speed with the preparation of the "The SE Europe Energy Outlook 2015”,the new edition of the Institute's major reference study for the energy situation of the region. The publication is expected to be published in December 2015, while, prior to that, it will be reviewed by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Updating the initial 2011 edition, "The SE Europe Energy Outlook 2015” will in essence be an energy atlas for the whole SE European region written by a number of experts, academics and executives from the regional and international energy sector.

The study provides detailed profiles for each one of the countries of SE Europe including information on energy demand/consumption characteristics, existing and planned energy infrastructure, major projects under development and legal framework. There is also an in-depth sector analysis of the oil and gas markets, electricity, RES, energy efficiency, energy market liberalization, as well as an assessment of the impact of major energy infrastructure projects on the region’s economic and social development. The political, geopolitical and economic background of SE Europe, as well as the situation of the energy sector in the region’s peripheral countries is also outlined.

Finally, the study examines the investment potential and business opportunities in the energy sector for the whole SE Europe by 2025.

Furthermore, it has to be noted that IEA, under the guidance of its Chief Economist and incoming (from September 1st) Executive Director Dr.Fatih Birol, has kindly agreed to review the study and offer recommendations prior to its publication.

Following its publication, a number of road shows for the presentation of the "Outlook” to expert audiences have been planned in various capitals and cities in the broader region.

The study is financially supported by a number of major energy companies and organizations which are active in the region.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE