IENE’s Busy Schedule for 2017

IENE’s Busy Schedule for 2017The last days of the year are proving very challenging for IENE as it is advancing its plans for organizing a series of conferences, roadshows and expert meetings during 2017 in various capitals and major cities of SE Europe. In addition the scientific staff of the Institute is busy putting together a medium term comprehensive plan for research projects and studies on a variety of topics related to energy in different countries of the region

The last days of the year are proving very challenging for IENE as it is advancing its plans for organizing a series of conferences, roadshows and expert meetings during 2017 in various capitals and major cities of SE Europe. In addition the scientific staff of the Institute is busy putting together a medium term comprehensive plan for research projects and studies on a variety of topics related to energy in different countries of the region. As IENE’s flagship publication, the "SE Europe Energy Outlook 2016/2017” is getting ready to be sent to the printers, a number of hot topics have been identified by IENE’s team which require further research and are of truly regional importance.

Chief among these topics is an in depth examination of the prospects for establishing an ‘East Med Energy Corridor’ as part of Europe’s energy supply diversification strategy and what this may mean for the energy geopolitics of the broader SE European region. Already the Institute has carried out an initial investigation on the topic (see IENE’s Monthly Analysis of September 2016, Issue No 219 of SEE Energy Market Brief, "How feasible is an East Med Energy Corridor?”). Another important topic is the required field research into the roots and causes of ‘energy poverty’ and the tabling of specific proposals in order to resolve acute problems through the introduction of affordable low cost energy efficiency solutions. The issue of energy poverty is treated with some urgency in view of worsening conditions for energy consumers in several SEE countries. Another challenging study, and a direct follow up of the current ‘Outlook’ is on the role that Renewable Energy Sources (RES) can play in contributing to economic development in the various countries of the region. In this respect an on going IENE study on the relationship between energy and employment is proving most helpful.

At the same time the IENE team is preparing the first leg of roadshows for the presentation of ‘SEE Energy Outlook 2016/2017’ to energy professionals and executives in Sofia, Bucharest and Belgrade. With a second leg to follow covering Vienna, Ankara and Zagreb. Preparations are also advancing fast for IENE’s first regional conference on ‘Oil Refining, Storage and Retail’ which will take place in Thessaloniki on March 30-31, 2017. Details of the conference including its programme and registration will become known in the week starting January 2, 2017. At the same time IENE is drawing up plans for the 10th SEE Energy Dialogue meeting which this year will be held in Belgrade in late May or early June and will be organized with the active participation of Serbian colleagues. A proper announcement will be made by mid-January once the various organizational details have been worked out.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE