IENE’s Annual «Energy and Development» Conference to Focus on Energy Market Transition

IENE’s Annual «Energy and Development» Conference to Focus on Energy Market Transition Focusing on “Energy Markets in Transition”, this year’s IENE’s annual National “Energy and Development” Conference, will take place in Athens on November 23-24, 2017 and will be held as usual at the conference centre of the Eugenides Foundation

Focusing on "Energy Markets in Transition”, this year’s IENE’s annual National "Energy and Development” Conference, will take place in Athens on November 23-24, 2017 and will be held as usual at the conference centre of the Eugenides Foundation. "Energy and Development 2017”, which is organized under the auspices of Greece’s Ministry of Environment and Energy, will seek to underline the major changes already taking place in the shaping of the energy mix at both national, regional and global level.

The conference will be attended by senior executives, scientists, engineers and energy professionals from major Greek energy-related companies and policy-makers, as well as by representatives from various leading European energy and industry groups and international organizations.

The Conference will commence on Thursday, November 23, with Keynote speeches by H.E. Mr. George Stathakis, Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece, and by Mr. Κonstantinos Michalos, Chairman of Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

The first session, entitled "The Greek Energy Market in Search of a New Direction”, will involve presentations by CEOs and senior executives of major energy companies and namely by Mr. Manolis Panagiotakis (Chairman and CEO, Public Power Corporation - PPC), Mr. Eustathios Tsotsoros (Chairman, Hellenic Petroleum - HELPE), Mr. Michalis Filippou (Chairman and CEO, Hellenic Electricity Market Operator - HEMO), Mr. Manoussos Manoussakis (Chairman & CEO, Greece’s Electricity System Operator – ADMIE) and Mr. Dinos Benroubi (General Manager of Electric Power Business Unit, Mytilineos Group of Companies).

"The Global Energy Markets in Transition” is the subject of the 2nd session, with the participation of distinguished analysts of established international energy organizations and think-tanks. These include Mr. Brent Wanner (Energy Specialist, IEA, Paris), Mr. Karl Vella (Coordinator Environment and Climate Change Environment & Sustainable Development Policy Unit, Εurelectric, Belgium), Ms. Eugenia Gusilov (Director, ROEC, Romania) and Dr. Yurdakul Yigitguden (Independent Energy Consultant and Former Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environment Activities, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Turkey).

The third session will focus on the current exploration for hydrocarbons in Greece. Dr. Ioannis Basias, Chairman and CEO of Hellenic Hydrocarbons Resources Management is among the speakers of this session, which will take place with the participation of major oil and gas companies active in Greece.

The second day of the Conference, Friday, November 24, will start with a session dedicated to the pivotal role of natural gas and renewables in the energy transition, with Prof. Nikolaos Farantouris (Head of Legal Dpt., Public Gas Corporation, Professor at the University of Piraeus, Greece and Chair of Legal Affairs Committee, Eurogas, Belgium), Mr. Anastasios Tosios (Head of Distribution Operations, Gas Distribution Corporation of Attica, Greece) and Mr. Spyros Paleogiannis (Managing Partner, Medgas & More Services Ltd, ex-CEO DEPA, Greece) among its speakers.

Prof. Pantelis Capros, Member of IENE’s BoD and Head of E3M Lab (NTUA) will co-ordinate the 5th session of the "Energy and Development 2017” conference, which deals with "The Critical Transition of the Greek Energy Electricity Market and the Target Model”, and will take place with the participation of representatives from the country’s electricity sector.

"Long Term Energy Planning and Energy Security” will be the subject of the sixth session of the Conference. Mr. Michalis Verroiopoulos (Secretary General for Energy and Mineral Resources), Mr. Nikos Boulaxis (Chairman, Regulatory Authority of Energy, Greece), as well as senior experts, will provide their perspective on these matters, so crucial for the country’s energy future.

Mr. Savvas Politis (Scientific Project Officer European Commission, DG Joint Research Center, Netherlands) and Mr. Massimo Merighi (Senior Energy Expert, Projects Directorate, EIB, Poland) will be among the speakers of IENE’s "Energy and Development 2017” last session, focusing on the tackling of the growing problem of energy poverty. A panel discussion, entitled "Energy as a Lever for Investments and Development”, will close the proceedings of this year’s conference.

Greece’s Public Power Corporation S.A. is the main sponsor of this year’s "Energy and Development” Conference, while Hellenic Petroleum S. A. and TERNA Energy S. A. are among its sponsors. The supporters of the Conference include Energean Oil & Gas, the Public Gas Corporation (DEPA), KG Law Firm and EDA Attikis S. A., while Greece’s leading energy portal, Energia.Gr, the daily Kathimerini, New Europe newspaper, as well as Euro2Day, and EnergyPress websites are the event’s media partners.

For further information about the Conference, please visit

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE