IENE’s 22nd General Assembly Re-Affirmed Commitment of Institute’s Regional Role

IENE’s 22nd General Assembly Re-Affirmed Commitment of Institute’s Regional RoleThe 22nd Annual General Assembly of IENE Partners, presided by the Institute’s Chairman, Mr. John Chatzivassiliadis, took place on July 9, 2015, in Athens. During the AMG, the Institute’s annual report for 2014 and for the first semester of 2015 was presented by the Institute’s Deputy Chairman and its Executive Director, Mr. Costis Stambolis. The Executive Director made a detailed review of all projects, programmes and initiatives undertaken by IENE during that period

The 22nd Annual General Assembly of IENE Partners, presided by the Institute’s Chairman, Mr. John Chatzivassiliadis, took place on July 9, 2015, in Athens. During the AMG, the Institute’s annual report for 2014 and for the first semester of 2015 was presented by the Institute’s Deputy Chairman and its Executive Director, Mr. Costis Stambolis. The Executive Director made a detailed review of all projects, programmes and initiatives undertaken by IENE during that period. He also described the Institute’s ongoing work and its plans for the months ahead. IENE’s Executive Director together with IENE’s accountant Mr. Dimitrios Kosmas presented the Institute’s annual accounts for 2014. Total revenues were reported at the same level as in 2013 and amounted to € 245,000 with € 9,000 surplus (excluding VAT). It was reported that the Institute is currently in order as far as dues to the Greek tax office and Social Security Service are concerned. Following that, the General Assembly approved the Institute’s annual accounts and relieved the Executive Committee from any further responsibility and liability on this count.

As the term of office of IENE’s Executive Committee expired during the first week of July and in view of sufficient progress achieved today on several fronts but also in view of the significant amount of work currently conducted by Committee members, the AGM decided to re-elect the existing Committee for a further two-year term. The composition of IENE’s current Executive Committee is as follows:

Mr. John Chatzivassiliadis (Chairman), Mr. Costis Stambolis (Deputy-Chairman), Mr. Gus Papamichalopoulos (General Secretary), Mr. Thomas Lamnides (Member), Mr. Alexandros Vrachnos (Member), Mr. Constantinos Theofylaktos (Member), Mr. Dionysios Xenos (Member), Prof. Pantelis Kapros (Ex Officio Member).

Mr. Costis Stambolis was re-appointed as the Institute's non-salaried Executive Director for the above period.

It was further decided that an extraordinary general meeting will be held in early October, where the IENE partners will review its overall position both in terms of current programmes and work commitments and discuss its finances in view of the worsening economic situation in Greece. IENE’s reelected Chairman also referred to the prospect of enriching IENE’s Assembly of Partners with new members from Greece and other countries of SE Europe, as well as to the possibility of establishing a branch of the Institute in Vienna, Europe’s energy capital, or some other major city in the broader region. As the Institute's executive director informed the Assembly, this likelihood is already being examined and a comprehensive proposal will be presented to the partners in the forthcoming extraordinary general meeting.

In the discussion which ensued the presentation of IENE’s annual report, almost all partners of the Institute who were present at the meeting took the floor and expressed their support to the management and its efforts for undertaking a most challenging programme of work, which covers a very broad range of activities, including research work, assessment studies, regular information updates, seminars and conferences.

In their concluding remarks both the Chairman and the Executive Director reaffirmed the Institute’s commitment to its regional outreach and its determination to become one of SE Europe’s leading think tanks and truly open the Institute to the region’s energy professionals and companies.

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