Energy market integration and transition in SE Europe



9.30-09.40 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Welcome Address

·Henning HÄDER, Manager Energy Policy, Climate & Sustainability, eurelectric

Introductory Remarks


9.45-11.30 Session I : Energy Market Integration and Transition in SE Europe

Chair: Slavtcho NEYKOV, Chair of eurelectric’s WG Group on South-East Europe and Chairman of the Board of Managers, Energy Management Institute, Bulgaria

09.45-09:55 Opening Statement

·Slavtcho NEYKOV, Chair of eurelectric’s WG Group on South-East Europe Chairman of the Board of Managers,EMI, Sofia

09.55-10:20 Energy Market Integration and Transition in SE Europe - The View by IENE

·Costis STAMBOLIS, Executive Director, IENE

10.20-10.45 Presentation by DG Energy – Clean Energy Package and Energy Markets Integration in SEE

·Anca-Iulia Cîmpeanu, Policy Officer, Unit B1 - Internal Market I: Networks & Regional Initiatives, European Commission

10.45-11.30 PANEL DEBATE

·Olivier MARQUETTE, Head of Business Development Eurasia & AES Bulgaria President, Bulgaria

·Pawel Lont, Secretary Gas Committee, EFET, The Netherlands

·Dimitris MEZARTASOGLOU, Head of Research, IENE

11.45-14.00 Session II: Opportunities and Challenges towards a Sustainable Energy Market in SE Europe

Chair: Prof. Nikolaos FARANTOURIS General Counsel & Head of Legal Dpt., DEPA, Chair of Legal Affairs Committee, EUROGAS

11.45-11.55 Opening Remarks by Prof. Nikolaos Farantouris

11.55-13.15 Presentations by Industry Representatives

·Damjan Međimorec, ENTSO-E RG SEE Governor

·Stavros GOUTSOS, Deputy CEO, PPC

·Andrea Villa, Head of EU Regulation, ENEL

·Gurbuz Gonul, Acting Director, Country Support and Partnerships, IRENA

13.15-14.00 Panel DISCUSSION

Chair: Costis GEROPOULOS Energy & Russian Affairs Editor, NEW EUROPE

Concluding Remarks and close of the conference