
IENE Acted as Adviser to Minister Yannis Maniatis at IEA’s Ministerial 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

IENE Acted as Adviser to Minister Yannis Maniatis at IEA’s Ministerial 2013

Following an invitation by Greece’s Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Mr. Yannis Maniatis, IENE’s Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis, joined the Greek delegation as an advisor at the recent IEA Ministerial 2013 conference held in Paris on November 19-20. Costis Stambolis assisted the Greek team with background research and expert analysis on a variety of issues which were discussed during this two day intensive top level gathering which was held at OECD headquarters in Paris

IENE’s Annual «Energy and Development» to Focus on Sustainable Development and Geopolitics

Thursday, November 7, 2013

IENE’s Annual «Energy and Development» to Focus on Sustainable Development and Geopolitics

As energy markets, especially in Europe, are currently in turmoil, IENE’s 18th National Energy Conference “Energy and Development 2013” (Athens, 3-4 December, 2013) comes at a critical junction to examine latest developments in Greece but also in the broader SE Europe region, thus attracting among its speakers senior executives from the EU Commission, the International Energy Agency, the Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES) in London and other acknowledged international energy institutes and organizations. This year’s conference will focus on the “Sustainability and Security of Greece’s Energy System”, reflecting the ongoing diminishing support in the funding of RES in the country and the European Union in general, due to Eurozone’s recession and restrictive fiscal policies

IENE’s Regional Upstream Workshop Highlighted the Need for Co-operation in Developing the Hydrocarbon Resources in the Adriatic, the Black Sea and the East Mediterranean

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

IENE’s Regional Upstream Workshop Highlighted the Need for Co-operation in Developing the Hydrocarbon Resources in the Adriatic, the Black Sea and the East Mediterranean

A select group of senior executives, government officials and oil and gas experts from ten different countries of the region assembled in Athens on October 31st and November 1st for an intensive 1 ½ day closed meeting to review progress and exchange information on latest advances on hydrocarbon exploration in the wider geographical area comprising the Adriatic, the Black Sea and the East Mediterranean. This highly stimulating workshop was convened by the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE), an Athens-based think tank, for the second year running. This unique event brought together some of the top experts of the region with a total of 65 people attending this important regional gathering

IENE’s Upstream Workshop to Bring Together Some of the Region’s Top Experts

Friday, October 4, 2013

IENE’s Upstream Workshop to Bring Together Some of the Region’s Top Experts

The detailed programme of IENE’s 2nd SE Europe Regional Upstream Workshop on “Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production in the Adriatic, the Black Sea and the East Mediterranean” has just been announced. The programme has been posted on IENE’s website under the Workshop’s banner. The Workshop will take place in Athens, on October 31st -November 1st, 2013, and will be held under the auspices of Greece’s Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change, which is in charge of the country’s hydrocarbon sector)

A New Working Paper by IENE on the Geopolitical Aspects of the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A New Working Paper by IENE on the Geopolitical Aspects of the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone

The geopolitical aspects of the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is the subject of a new Working Paper by IENE, which is, as from today, electronically available to the members of the Institute. Dealing with one of the most topical issues of the Greek both energy and political agenda, this newly published Working Paper (No. 17), entitled “The Greek EEZ: Principles of a Geopolitical Analysis” is co-authored by one of the Greece’s better known geopolitical analysts, Dr. Ioannis Th. Mazis, Professor of Economic Geography (Dept of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

IENE’s New Executive Committee

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

IENE’s New Executive Committee

At the 18th General Assembly of IENE’s partners which was held in Athens last Monday, June 10, a new executive committee was elected, since the term of the previous one expired at the end of May.

IENE Convened Working Group Meeting in Sofia on Nuclear Energy

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

IENE Convened Working Group Meeting in Sofia on Nuclear Energy

An IENE Working Group, consisting of experts from Bulgaria and Greece, met today (May 29) in Sofia, to examine the role of nuclear energy for power generation in SE Europe. A review was conducted of the latest developments in nuclear related projects and initiatives focusing on Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. In spite of the setback on their nuclear plans suffered by certain European countries, following the Fukushima disaster in March 2011, enthusiasm for nuclear electricity has not waned in the SE European region. Financing considerations and the role of government appear to be the determining factors for the advancement of nuclear plans in all countries

IENE's Session in the WEC/RNC «Energy Trilemma» Conference in Bucharest Focused on the Energy Policies & Strategies of Romania

Friday, April 26, 2013

IENE's Session in the WEC/RNC «Energy Trilemma» Conference in Bucharest Focused on the Energy Policies & Strategies of Romania

The Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE), in co-operation with the World Energy Council's Romanian National Member Committee (WEC/RNC) organized on Thursday, April 25, 2013, the “Energy Trilemma” conference, in the capital of Romania, Bucharest . Within the framework of its co-operation with WEC , IENE organized the second of the Conference’s two sessions, which focused on “Energy Policies & Strategies in SE Europe: Focus on Romania”

IENE’s Executive Director Proposes the Setting Up of a Regional Gas Price Hub for SE Europe

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

IENE’s Executive Director Proposes the Setting Up of a Regional Gas Price Hub for SE Europe

Speaking at the 12th Turkish International Oil and Gas Conference, TUROGE 2013, in Ankara last week, IENE’s Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis proposed the setting up of a regional Gas Price Hub with the active participation of Turkey.

As Mr. Stambolis observed in his presentation, the growing volumes of transported gas through Turkey and other countries in SE Europe over the past few years and the opening up of alternative routes (see TAP, W. Nabucco, TANAP, South Stream) and new delivery points (i.e. land based LNG terminals and FSRU) are bound to increase competition both in terms of supplies and prices

IENE Working Group on «Developing Albania’s Hydroelectricity Sector» Tirana, April 17, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

IENE Working Group on «Developing Albania’s Hydroelectricity Sector» Tirana, April 17, 2013

As part of its mission and overall strategic objectives in studying and analyzing energy markets and energy resources in SE Europe, the Institute is convening a special Working Group in order to examine Albania’s hydroelectricity sector. The working group will meet in Tirana at the International Η otel, on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 from12:00 to 15:00

IENE’s Colloquium on «The Critical Choices for RES Investments in Greece» Called for Immediate Action to Save the Market from Bankruptcy

Friday, April 5, 2013

IENE’s Colloquium on «The Critical Choices for RES Investments in Greece» Called for Immediate Action to Save the Market from Bankruptcy

IENE’s Colloquium on “The Critical Choices for RES Investments in Greece” that took place yesterday afternoon, April 4, , at the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) highlighted the critical condition of market operation in the Greek RES sector, as well as the responsibility of all government and regulatory authorities and organizations involved

IENE Outlined Regional Investment Outlook in Energy Conference in Belgrade

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

IENE Outlined Regional Investment Outlook in Energy Conference in Belgrade

Mr. Costis Stambolis, IENE’s Deputy Chairman and Executive Director, participated as an invited guest in the 10th annual “Regional Conference on Safe and Profitable Investing in Energy: Balkan- The New European Energy Source”, that took place in Belgrade (Sava Center), the capital of Serbia, on March 20, 2013. The conference, organized by ΜΜ International, was attended by more than 200 people from Serbia, other countries of the former Republic of Yugoslavia and from SE Europe in general

IENE's 2nd Cyprus Energy Symposium Highlighted the Major Prospects and Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

IENE's 2nd Cyprus Energy Symposium Highlighted the Major Prospects and Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean

The 2nd Cyprus Energy Symposium, focusing on the «The Role of Cyprus in the New Mediterranean Energy Corridor», took place in Nicosia on March 14 and 15, 2013. Attended by more than 150 participants, the Symposium, which was organized by the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE), in association with the Nicosia-based media company FMW - Financial Media Way, covered the energy policy of Cyprus on natural gas, oil, electricity and renewable energy sources, as well as the country’s prospects following the latest discoveries of hydrocarbons in its Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ). The Symposium also covered the latest major energy developments in Israel

The Sea Transportation of Energy Commodities and Latest Technological Advances Were Key Topics of the 2nd IENE International «Energy and Shipping» Seminar

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Sea Transportation of Energy Commodities and Latest Technological Advances Were Key Topics of the 2nd IENE International «Energy and Shipping» Seminar

The maritime transportation of energy commodities, the latest technological advances with regard to ship propulsion and the relationship of global oil and gas markets to freight rates and conditions were key topics in IENE’s international seminar on «Energy and Shipping», which took place in Athens on March 6, 2013. This international seminar which was organised by IENE for the second consecutive year was conducted under the auspices of the Greek Chapter of the “International Chamber of Commerce – Hellas”, and covered a broader and more international range of topics

New Executive Information Service by IENE and SeeNews

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New Executive Information Service by IENE and SeeNews

The Institute of Energy of South East Europe (ΙΕΝΕ) is launching today an exclusive information service for its members and associates. The Energy Newsletter is part of a cooperation agreement with SeeNews, a worldwide provider of business news and market intelligence.

The Energy Newsletter will be delivered daily by SeeNews and will contain 3-5 regional news to provide all IENE members with important updates on the latest developments in the energy markets in Southeast Europe and Eurasia

IENE Publishes Study on East Mediterranean Gas Corridor

Monday, December 31, 2012

IENE Publishes Study on East Mediterranean Gas Corridor

In a Research Note released today and available soon under the studies section at IENE’s website, the Institute of Energy for SE Europe analyses the “The Role of Greece as a Supply Route to Europe in View of the Latest Gas Discoveries in the East Mediterranean.”

IENE observes that there is a growing realization that the newly discovered hydrocarbon deposits in the East Mediterranean can play a significant role in European gas supply

IENE’s «Energy & Development 2012» Highlighted the Basic Priorities of the Greek Energy Market

Monday, November 5, 2012

IENE’s «Energy & Development 2012» Highlighted the Basic Priorities of the Greek Energy Market

The basic parameters and issues of the current energy agenda in Greece were outlined during IENE’s 17th Annual National Conference «Energy & Development 2012», which took place in Athens on October, 30-31. The conference was organized under the auspices of Greece’s Ministry for Environment, Energy & Climate Change and focused on the «Geopolitical and Development Angle of Greece’s Energy System»

RES Investors Expressed Disappointment on Latest Regulatory Decisions at IENE’s Workshop on «Bulgaria’s Green Energy Challenge» Held in Sofia

Friday, October 12, 2012

RES Investors Expressed Disappointment on Latest Regulatory Decisions at IENE’s Workshop on «Bulgaria’s Green Energy Challenge» Held in Sofia

The Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE), true to its regional role and its commitment in promoting public dialogue, organized, on October 10, an intensive workshop in Sofia on “Bulgaria’s Green Energy Challenge”, which attracted more than 80 participants; investors, professionals and experts of the RES Bulgarian sector. The workshop, organized in cooperation with the Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association (BPVA), the Bulgarian Wind Energy Association (BWEA), the Association of Producers of Ecological Energy (APEE), the Bulgarian Green Building Council (BGWA) and the Bulgarian Geothermal Association (BGA ), took place at a very critical time junction for RES in Bulgaria due to the recent reductions in feed-in tariffs

The Latest Issue of IENE’s «Market Insight» Focuses on the Refining Sector in SE Europe

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Latest Issue of IENE’s «Market Insight» Focuses on the Refining Sector in SE Europe

The refining sector in SE Europe and beyond is the subject of the current double issue of IENE’s electronic newsletter “S.E. Europe Energy Brief - Market Insight” (No. 66,July/ August 2012), which has just been sent electronically to all members and associates of the Institute. The development of refining sector in the region is of crucial importance due to the escalating oil prices and the shrinking of demand in the EU, as a result of the eurozone crisis

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EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE