Articles - Commentary

Gas Boom Hands the US a Potent Weapon

Friday, March 7, 2014

Gas Boom Hands the US a Potent Weapon

by Barney Jopson*

Booming US oil and gas production has been portrayed as a bounty that will boost America’s energy independence, but the crisis in Ukraine has cast it in a different light: as a strategic weapon to help allies overseas

Russia Needs a ‘Finland Option’ for Ukraine

Friday, February 28, 2014

Russia Needs a ‘Finland Option’ for Ukraine

by Zbigniew Brzezinski*

As chaos explodes in Ukraine and the threat of Russian intervention persists, the responsibility of the west to help attain a constructive outcome becomes more self-evident. Viktor Yanukovich has shown himself to be a mendacious schemer, a coward and a thief.

The Pivotal Role of Greece in Azerbaijan´s Gas Exports Outreach to Europe

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Pivotal Role of Greece in Azerbaijan´s Gas Exports Outreach to Europe

by Costis Stambolis*

As global attention is turned to USA´s phenomenal oil and gas boom where production has peaked beyond all predictions giving rise to expectations for sizeable gas exports in few years,European policy makers are grappling to figure out an effective policy to secure long term energy supplies for the EU.

Could France and Germany Create a Common Energy Policy?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Could France and Germany Create a Common Energy Policy?

by Nick Butler*

On Wednesday the cabinets of the France and Germany will hold a joint meeting in Paris. The occasion is highly symbolic – both in the way in which normal state-to-state relationships have replaced war in Europe, and in the continued commitment of the neighbours to maintain their alliance whatever their short-term political and personal differences. But the discussion this week could also produce substantive results

Shale: Miracle, Revolution or Bandwagon?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shale: Miracle, Revolution or Bandwagon?

*by Terry Smith

Unless you have been in hibernation for the past few years you will have heard that there is a shale hydrocarbon "revolution” or "miracle” under way. Barack Obama, the US president, pledged support for shale gas development in his 2012 State of the Union speech. David Cameron has urged opponents of fracking to "get on board”

Sanctions Will Weaken Rouhani’s Hand in Nuclear Talks

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sanctions Will Weaken Rouhani’s Hand in Nuclear Talks

*By Norman Lamont

When Hassan Rouhani took office in August, film-maker Hossein Dehbashi made a political video setting the Iranian president’s eloquent inauguration speech to music. The speech emphasised tolerance, compassion and the need to remove "bitterness from our hearts”

«Peak Demand» Oil Theory Fails Scrutiny Test

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

«Peak Demand» Oil Theory Fails Scrutiny Test

By Mark C. Lewis*

Oil market commentators increasingly dismiss the very idea of supply-side constraints on the oil market, pointing to the recent surge in light-tight oil production from US shale deposits and the existence of vast shale formations elsewhere in the world

EU Energy Costs Widen Over Trade Partners

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

EU Energy Costs Widen Over Trade Partners

by Pilita Clark in London and Christian Oliver in Brussels*

The gap in energy costs between Europe and its leading trading partners is widening, according to an official paper to be released by Brussels that shows industrial electricity prices in the region are more than double those in the US and 20 per cent higher than China’s. Industrial gas prices are three to four times higher in the EU than comparable US and Russian prices, and 12 per cent higher than in China, says the European Commission paper, based on the most comprehensive official analysis of EU energy prices and costs to date

Energy Policy – Europe Takes Power

Friday, January 17, 2014

Energy Policy – Europe Takes Power

by Nick Butler*

Is energy policy made in Brussels ? The obvious answer would be no. The EU may have an energy commissioner but he has little real authority. Energy policy is still under the control of individual national governments and as a result there are 28 very different approaches and outcomes. France is supplied by nuclear power. Germany by contrast is phasing out nuclear in favour of renewables. Much of Eastern Europe still depends on coal. There is cross border trade, of course, but most countries have their own distinct energy market

Ukraine-Russia Lovefest Won’t Slow South Stream

Friday, January 17, 2014

Ukraine-Russia Lovefest Won’t Slow South Stream

by Kostis Geropoulos*

The rapprochement between Moscow and Kiev, following a deal to provide Ukraine with a $15 billion loan and a gas price reduction from about $400 per 1,000 cubic metres to $268.50, raises questions over the faith of Russian gas monopoly Gazprom’s South Stream natural gas pipeline, bypassing Ukraine

Over the Hump for Oil Demand

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Over the Hump for Oil Demand

by Christof Ruehl*

The history of energy in the 20th century was mainly about oil; the struggle to find oil, to secure its supply and bring it to market. So important has been oil and its many by-products in fuelling, lubricating and transforming economies and societies over the past 100 years that many have failed to notice trends that are already changing the shape of energy demand in the 21st century

Turkey's LNG Potential

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Turkey's LNG Potential

Ankara is trying to figure out whether an eventual U.S. entry into the global liquefied natural gas export market and natural gas production in North Africa will make it worthwhile for Turkey to expand its liquefied natural gas import capacity. Turkey currently has two liquefied natural gas import terminals -- one at Marmara Ereglisi that has an annual capacity of 8.2 billion cubic meters and a maximum send-out capacity of 22 million cubic meters, and another in the town of Aliaga on the Aegean coast with an annual capacity of 6 billion cubic meters and maximum send-out capacity of 16 million cubic meters

Gas Hub and Oil-indexed Prices: Still Bound Together

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Gas Hub and Oil-indexed Prices: Still Bound Together

by Dr. Valery Nemov*

The European gas market has gone through a substantial transformation. For several decades, this market was dominated by long-term contracts, derived from formula-based pricing. Market transformations resulted in the expansion of trading hubs and hub related pricing. The conventional wisdom is that gas hubs accurately reflect the balance of supply and demand in the whole European market, and the linkage between oil-indexed and hub prices has lost its rationale and does not reflect market fundamentals

Gazprom, European Commission Seek South Stream Solutions

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gazprom, European Commission Seek South Stream Solutions

by Kostis Geropoulos*

Russia is determined to move ahead with the Gazprom-led South Stream natural gas pipeline, bypassing Ukraine, and recent moves by EU Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger suggest that the European Commission may be ready for a compromise

German Renewable Push Loses Steam

Monday, December 16, 2013

German Renewable Push Loses Steam

by Kostis Geropoulos*

As the Lufthansa airplane made its final approachto land ona runway at Berlin’s Tegel airport, wind turbines appeared scattered across the landscape. Germany has been at the forefront of renewable energy which has gained impetus, especially after Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to speed up the shuttering of the nine remaining reactors by about a decade, to 2022

Beyond Europe's Solar Binge

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Beyond Europe's Solar Binge

by Gerard Wynn*

European solar power capacity has already reached some 80 per cent of national projections for the end of the decade, underlining how growth has caught policymakers unawares. That over-achievement is adding impetus to national plans to scale back renewable energy subsidies, making the future solar outlook in Europe unsure

EU Takes Bold Action to Rescue Emissions Trading Scheme

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

EU Takes Bold Action to Rescue Emissions Trading Scheme

In what appeared to be a rather desperate move lawmakers in Brussels went ahead last Tuesday (19/2) with action to shore up the sagging market for carbon emissions permits, a key component of the European Union efforts to curb the effects of Climate Change.

The EU carbon market, known as the emissions trading system (ETS), is the world’s largest and the cornerstone of the bloc’s climate policy. It seeks to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming by requiring companies to pay for their pollution

How to Lose Investors and Alienate People in Renewable Energy

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to Lose Investors and Alienate People in Renewable Energy

There was another very good lesson in Europe on how to lose investors and alienate developers of renewable energy projects. It goes something like this: follow months of uncertainty about the future of your support scheme with retroactive changes that impact the revenues of existing projects. Wash it down with further plans to cut the support available for future projects. And then watch investors flee

New Standard for Natural Gas

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New Standard for Natural Gas

For roughly its first two decades of existence, Standard Oil wasn't really an oil company—at least, not in the way most people think today.

Until the late 1880s, John D. Rockefeller's behemoth didn't bother owning oil fields. Standard was all about refining and distribution, the keys to building the markets that would ultimately take the oil

Nuclear Energy’s Tortuous Comeback

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nuclear Energy’s Tortuous Comeback

Two years ago the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant explosion, brought memories of the 1986 calamitous Chernobyl disaster. It prompted Germany to commit to a complete phase out of nuclear power by 2022. But at the same time, other countries are consistently investing in the construction of new reactors as they are trying to secure large scale electricity generation for future needs

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EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE