
IENE fully involved in the Public Consultation of Greece’s "National Climate Law"

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

IENE fully involved in the Public Consultation of Greece’s "National Climate Law"

Last Friday (29/1), in the context of its participation in the Public Consultation organized by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, IENE submitted its final observations and comments regarding the first National Climate Law of Greece. These were formulated following a thorough review and comments contributed by the Institute’s Scientific Committees.

IENE’s Weekly SEE Electricity Market Report provides much needed analysis and useful guidance to the region’s electricity markets

Monday, January 31, 2022

IENE’s Weekly SEE Electricity Market Report provides much needed analysis and useful guidance to the region’s electricity markets

Now in its fourth year IENE’s Weekly Electricity Market Analysis for SE Europe, which is send to members and associates every Wednesday, provides a well-informed overview of how the market functioned in the week that passed and explains why and how prices moved the way they have. Demand, normally driven by weather conditions, remains a major factor in price formation together with variable renewables which are featuring more and more in the region’s power mix.

A full program of events and educational courses for IENE in 2022

Monday, January 24, 2022

A full program of events and educational courses for IENE in 2022

The Institute is going ahead once again with an all-round programme of events and educational courses to be organized during of 2022. Drawing from its considerable network of partners and associates in SE Europe and beyond the IENE has prepared a multifaced programme of activities for the current year.

Summary and Conclusions of annual IENE conference now available

Friday, January 7, 2022

Summary and Conclusions of annual IENE conference now available

A round up with the key points and conclusions of IENE’ s annual “Energy & Development 2021” conference which was held in Athens on December 1/2 2021, has now been uploaded and is available here through the Institute’s site. This 13-page document underlines the main themes of this two-day conference and highlights the interventions and presentations made by some keynote speakers.

Strong international presence in latest IENE conference

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Strong international presence in latest IENE conference

In spite of the tense atmosphere and the justified fear of association following a latest upsurge in coronavirus cases, international participation at IENE’s latest annual conference, the 25th “Energy & Development” was strong. Out of 78 speakers, 23 came from outside Greece with 9 of them actually travelling in person to Athens in order to participate in the conference.

«COP 26 and What Next for SE Europe» discussed in latest IENE Analysis

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

«COP 26 and What Next for SE Europe» discussed in latest IENE Analysis

Following this major gathering by 200 nations last month in Glasgow, UK, to discuss and agree a new Climate Pact the overall impression is that very little progress was actually achieved in view of disagreements and non-commitments by major polluters such as China and India. Eventually the Glasgow Climate Pact was agreed on November 13 after almost two weeks of strenuous deliberations.

The role of gas and renewables in Energy Transition hotly debated in annual IENE conference

Friday, December 3, 2021

The role of gas and renewables in Energy Transition hotly debated in annual IENE conference

The inseparable connection between the energy sector, economy and development in Greece and Southeast Europe was highlighted in the annual National Conference "Energy and Development", which was organized by the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, on 1-2 December 2021 in Athens.

25 years of “Energy & Development” - One of the most important conferences of the Greek energy market

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

25 years of “Energy & Development” - One of the most important conferences of the Greek energy market

Having established itself as a key platform for multifaceted information, dialogue and communication on energy issues in Greece and Southeast Europe, the annual National Conference on "Energy and Development", now in its 25th year, is organized once again by the Institute of Energy of Southeast Europe (IENE) under the auspices of the Ministry Environment and Energy.

Latest energy policy issues and key projects were highlighted at the annual IENE-FMW Cyprus Energy Symposium

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Latest energy policy issues and key projects were highlighted at the annual IENE-FMW Cyprus Energy Symposium

Some of the key issues in terms of policy and major energy projects were brought to fore in the annual Cyprus Energy Symposium which was organised for the 9th consecutive year by FMW- Financial Media Way jointly with the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE). This year’s event was once again held in hybrid format as the coronavirus pandemic necessitated certain precautionary measures.

IENE’s analysis on key factors responsible for Electricity and Gas Price surge most relevant as energy prices continue to climb

Friday, November 26, 2021

IENE’s analysis on key factors responsible for Electricity and Gas Price surge most relevant as energy prices continue to climb

Earlier this month the Institute send to its members its Monthly Analysis, part of its SEE Energy Brief, which covered developments last month in the sphere of electricity and gas prices focusing on SE Europe. As the IENE Analysis noted, «Europe is currently facing an energy price shock as the cost of natural gas and electricity surges to record levels.

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EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE