Construction of Bosnia's HPP Bocac 2 to Begin by End-July

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Bosnian power producer Hidroelektrane na Vrbasu (HEV)and local company Integral Inzinjering have signed a contract worth some 17 million marka ($9.5 million/8.7 million euro) for the construction of the 8.76 MW Bocac 2 hydro power plant (HPP) in the Serb Republic's municipality of Mrkonjic Grad, with works scheduled to begin by the end of July, the municipality's administration said.The deadline for the completion of works is two years, the municipal administration of Mrkonjic Grad said in a press release on Monday following a signing of the contract.

The entire project will be financed by HEV. The plant is expected to produce 41.6 GWh of electricity annually.

Following the completion of this project in 2017, HEV is expected to begin works on a new development, HPP Krupa 2018.

HEV is part of Bosnia's Serb Republic power utility Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske.

The Serb Republic is one of the two entities that form Bosnia.
The other is the Muslim-Croat Federation.

Source: SeeNews
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